Three words.... but quite possibly our favourite song of all times.
It was one cold winters morning traveling to work that we were first introduced to @ShaneandShane's version of this song. I remember feeling like my life's theme tune had been written. However cold it might have been outside the car, inside, our hearts were warm.
Trust me, for a long time this song, or any other like it would not have featured on our top 10 or even top 50 morning playlist songs, but after an encounter with the Lord that told us to "Seek first the Kingdom of God, and His righteous" this song seemed to sum up everything we could hope for o pray ourselves.
To have the heart, the compassion, the words and most of all, the LOVE of Jesus is our honest prayer each day. The more you get to know Him and the more experiences He brings, the more of Him you want.
To start every day of this life with Jesus is one thing, but to live forever with him in the life that is to come is another.
Now this is our prayer everyday...."Give me Jesus"
Who said prayers had to be complicated?
When you have Him, and seek him first, everything else will fall into place.
So what better way to communicate our experience in His presence than to, well...Make Marks